Name: Sakuragi Hanamichi
Number 10
Height (cm) 188
Weight (kg) 83
Grade 1
Class 7
Birthday 04/01
Junior High Wakou
Shoe Brand Nike - Air Jordan
Position Power Forward
Nickname tensai, idiot, rebund king, red hair monkey
Most Notable Saying "I AM A TENSAI!"
Sakuragi Hanamichi is the star of the show! By calling himself a Tensai (genius), Sakuragi Hanamichi gains great confidence and always manages to perform the impossible moves in a basketball game. While making all these terrific contributions to his team, Hanamichi also messes up on 90% of the simple passes and throws. His unpredicable performance on games and cheerful personality will one day make him the support of the entire Shohoku team (a major Rukawa Kaede competitor as well)

Only started to play basketball since the start of 1st year of senior high. Joined the team to win haruko's heart. Always going against Rukawa, his love enemy. Has a special gift in jumping, grabs rebound is his specialty. Hangs around his best buddies, "the Sakuragi Army".

What makes Sakura famous is, 1) he was absolutely disliked and unpopular amongst girls. He was rejected by 50 girls. However, as his happy lively personality, he immediately forgotten about the past when he saw Haruko. He fell in love with Haruko at first sight. Haruko introduced basketball to him, and finally, other than pleasing Haruko, he found pleasure in playing basketball.



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